24 MAY 1990

He woke up in a dark apartment. Above the haze of his memories stood the most recent, a dream of California. It was cool and calm, fresh winds of the Pacific blew on his face. A baby wept in it's crib as the waves in the distance sweetly crashed upon pebbles and stones at the shore he had known so vividly. He walked down the pier as blank faces glanced at him and then at their feet. His shoes felt weightless and then he realized that they were not upon the ground at all; they hovered so slightly above it. Soon he stopped walking completely and hovered about with the slightest energy expenditure. The child was now in the distance, but Rainbow Destroyer could see that it was not a child at all anymore, it was merely a doll. It's artificial red face held a blue pacifier in it's lips.

What a dream it had been, he thought. He wished it could have continued on and on. He dreamt she never went away. Yet now he was stuck in the present, as always, with no outlet whatsoever but his memories. So he sunk back into his predominant memory that was now slowly fading, as all good ones do. He sunk back to the pacified doll with the plastic face. In California he never had to think, and in the dream he surely wasn't. That was his true bliss in the past; no thoughts assured no worries. He who has no mind cannot possibly drive his psyche in circles toward ultimate confusion and discontent. He now remembered why the doll stood out to him so. Another child, older, and on the verge of becoming plastic himself came up and gripped the stroller by the handles and proceeded to twirl the doll in circles around his mid-section. He carried an expressionless face as well, yet with that face, Rainbow remembered the importance of anti-emotion. It was a place that caused feelings to swell up inside of him. He knew there was no escape from his emotions, and he tried to find comfort in the fact that pain could be just as satisfying as pleasure.

So he sunk back into his bed and crushed the back of his heads into his pillow.
"I love my life." he said upon closing his eyes.
He attempted to slip back into that dream but only found himself in Salt Lake City, looking out the window into the haze.
"I love my life." he whispered, now in a dream, as the raindrops began to land.